Thursday, July 3, 2008

ok, so...

Thaya and Mommy in the grass!!

Thaya and Daddy rolling on the primer for the living room!

Thaya sitting in Donna's rocking chair from her childhood! Thaya loves that chair!

Thaya painting away, one of her favorite crafts!

Thaya, Daddy and Brian at the dino museum playing in the water/ sand pit!

Thaya standing by Uncle Jay's turtle they have on display at the dino museum!

Thaya in her new pool! Way too cute!!!!

It has been a while since I last blogged, we have been so busy with our remodelling, visitors and my obsession with reading lately that I just have not found the time. The living room will be done this weekend, thank goodness!!! I finished the Harry Potter series and now I am reading Stephenie Meyers books. Twilight was awesome, I couldn't put it down!! I read 500 pages in 48 hours!! I am just throwing in some pics of us lately, sorry, very random!!!


Amy Rae said...

I'm almost done with New Moon....let's chat!

Donna said...

That picture of Thaya in her pool is the custest picture I've ever seen!! She is a doll.

We hope you guys had a great 4th!

Can't wait to hear about Thaya riding with her grandpa in the parade!

Amy Jane said...

Yes...I knew you would like Twilight...we must go see the movie in December.

Unknown said...

Very cute pics!

Amy Jane said...

ps why am I not linked? Pah! :)