Friday, July 25, 2008

This is the Place!!

We got a free train ride around the park.

Thaya learned how to wash clothes by hand, water gardens and pick rocks out of a field.

Thaya rode a horse and i was so proud of her!!

Thaya made friends with a goat and got upset when anyone tried to pet "her goat"!

She also made friends with a baby cow!!

She found a wondering goat and wanted to ride him around the park. She got upset when he left quickly after Derrick put Thaya on his back.

My little artist, she found a painting station and painted a beautiful picture of cows and goats!!

It is hanging on my fridge!!!

We took the Broun's and our friend, Stacey to This is the place park and it turned out to be free day. Everything was free, they even fed us pizza, ice cream and had free bottles of water all over the park!! kit was awesome, it really was the place to be!!!


Shama said...

My cell went dead and I am trying to call you back but the older gentleman who answers the number I have committed to memory keeps insisting that I have the wrong number, no matter how many times I call. So call when you get a moment and I will charge my phone then learn your actual phone number. Either that I will make a new gentleman friend in Utah. Love Ya! Shama