Sunday, May 23, 2010


Clara has been home for a week now, still on oxygen and an apnea monitor. We are hoping that she will be off of them this week. I wanted to post the picture that the hospital photographer took of her without the oxygen and IVs. Thanks for all your prayers.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Clara Ann

Details will be short sorry, we had Clara on Wed May 5th via C-section. She was ok at first but then her stats dropped, blood sugar, body temp, breathing. She is okay on everything now but her breathing. They are saying its like sleep apnea for babies. It will go away eventually but for now she is in the special care nursery being monitored. We don't know when she will come home. I am ok, healing from surgery. C-sections suck by the way. I am staying in the hospital until Sunday. Sorry for not contacting everyone after she was born, we have been in and out of the nursery as often as we can and been very worried about our new little one. My friend tried to send mass texts to everyone for me but didn't know who received it because her phone cut out on the sending of the texts. Sorry, we tried. Keep Clara in your prayers!!!

Sunday, May 2, 2010


So my baby is breech and has the cord around her neck. They scheduled me for a C-Section on wednesday. They said they are going to get me all prepped and ready for the section, once in the operating room, they will see if it is safe to try and turn her. If they are successful, they will go ahead and induce labor, if not I have to have a C-section.

I would prefer to labor,

so if we can get all your prayers and any extra favors you may have with Heavenly Father, would be greatly appreciated!!! We will let you all know how Wednesday goes!!!