Saturday, November 28, 2009

Gall Bladder Surgery

So I ended up having my Gall Bladder out on the Thursday before Thanksgiving, baby is ok. They did another ultrasound and saw the heart beat. Then we did another ultrasound just on Monday, baby was moving around like crazy. Now that I know baby is ok, I am glad we did the surgery, it is nice to be able to eat again and not be in pain. We have an ultrasound date on the 22nd of Dec to tell us what we are having:) I would love to hear everyone's guess and bets on what gender the baby is!! Start guessing guys, and feel free to ask questions to help determine your guess!!! Love to all, hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!!


Janette said...

I think it's a boy. I'm not shy to say I'm pretty sure of it. I might be totally wrong, but when does that happen? I'm always right. At least that's what I tell Andrew. He doesn't really believe me though. :)

Kathy said...

I'm saying boy too...just a feeling.

Amy Jane said...

Girl. Not sure why I think that, but we shall see soon! What do the winners get? eh eh? j/k.

Christi said...

You might be having a boy AND a girl! Sometimes one will hide! Good luck guys and hope your surgery recovery goes well. Kraig's guess is a boy!

Shama said...

Girl. Sorry love, that is just my first reaction. But I just had a girl so maybe it is that "girl" is on the brain.