Sunday, May 24, 2009

I turned 28!!!

Today was my birthday!! It was nice to celebrate with friends and family. We had an all day party yesterday with baby animal day at This is the Place monument, lunch at Tucanos, mini golfing and a late night movie, Night at the Museum 2. It was nice to be among loved ones. Thaya has been calling me "birthday girl". It's hilarious. Today my mom made me red chili, guacamole , and raspberry danish dessert. We had our neighbors, the Brown's and the Weakly's over for the celebration of my birth!!! For my birthday, I bought myself a gym membership and have been going at least every other day if not more. In 10 days, I have lost 2 inches off my waist, 2 inches off my hips and 5 lbs!!! My friend Leslie and I are going together, we are having our own biggest loser challenge. I will keep posting pictures as the weight melts off!!!! Happy Birthday to me. Thank you to all of you that remembered and sent their birthday wishes. Thanks for making it a special day!!!